Portal Future Wiki
Portal Future Wiki


Drew is Jerez Rivera's twin brother. He was born with Immune Syndrome and abandoned to be raised as a ward of Hospital Earth. He attempted to contact his parents as a teenager and wass coldly rejected. In 2789, he gains contact with Jerez, who was raised without knowledge of his existence, and they develop a good relationship. Drew works as a Pre-history Foundation course lecturer with University Earth.

Personality and Characteristics[]

Early years[]

Drew was born with Immune Syndrome and was turned over to Hospital Earth by his parents. When Drew was fifteen he tried to contact his parents and they sent him one rejection message.

After the events in Earth Star when all of humanity witnessed an Earth Girl, Jarra, being betrothed to a norm boy Fian, Drew's parents had a sentimental moment and reached out to Drew. Drew sent back to them, the exact same message they had sent to him ....

“Your existence is an embarrassment to respectable people. Any further attempts at contact will result in legal action being taken against you.”[1]

His parents then contact his twin sister and attempted to manipulate her into getting Drew to contact them, but Jerez Rivera was shocked and then angry at their parents, so only played along with them until she got his contact info. Once she knew how to reach out to him, she contacted him on her own behalf.

Drew was initially unsure of replying his sister, but was curious enough about her to look up her details with the Dig site federation and discovered that she was a member of Cassandra 2, a team that had played important roles along with Jarra and Fian, so decided to tentatively make contact with Jerez.


Twin sister: Jerez Rivera They are working on developing a relationship and have discovered how much they have in common.


The Real Jerez Rivera[]

The Real Jerez Rivera

Drew is with Jerez at the beginning of the story as she gives him instructions on who is picking up which boxes that she is giving away before she heads to Zulu military base in preparation for going off-world to Fortuna. Drew has agreed to look after her house while she is away.

“I wish I could go to Fortuna in Zeta sector and see the ruins of an alien civilization. I wish I could visit Adonis, Zeus, Asgard, and Isis. I wish I could set foot on any of humanity’s colony worlds without dying.”
He paused. “I can’t do any of those things now, but I do know that I’ll be visiting other worlds at some point in the future. Our Earth Girl has a network of stars under her skin now. Perhaps it will be possible for me to have that too one day. Even if I can’t, Jarra’s still changed things for me and all the rest of us. Military Planet First teams are already working on selecting a world in each sector that’s compatible with our immune system problem. It will be a decade or two before those worlds are open for colonization, but one day I will walk through an interstellar portal and look up at the skies of a world other than Earth.”

–Drew to Jerez, [2]


  1. Edwards, Janet. Earth Prime (The Earth Girl Aftermath Stories Book 1) (p. 312). Full Circle. Kindle Edition.
  2. Edwards, Janet. Earth Prime (The Earth Girl Aftermath Stories Book 1) (p. 399). The Real Jerez Rivera. Kindle Edition.