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Portal Future Wiki

“It wasn’t pointless making myself unhappy over the unfairness of things, because there was something I could do to change them for the better.”

–Jarra, [3]


Jarra Tell Morrath (née Jarra Reeath, Jarra Tell Feren) is the narrator and protagonist of the Earth Girl trilogy. She also narrates three novellas, Earth and Fire, Earth and Air, and The End, and the New Beginning. She has Novak-Nadal Syndrome, a condition which prevents an individual from surviving on any planet other than Earth. At age 18, she joins a University Asgard Pre-history Foundation course. Throughout 2789, she tag leads in the rescue of a crashed solar array ship, is drafted into the Military to assist with the Alien Contact program, joins the Tell clan, and undergoes a dangerous procedure to cure her Immune Syndrome. Jarra is the Honor Child of her deceased grandmother, Jarra Tell Morrath. In 2789, she becomes betrothed to her tag support, Fian Eklund.

Early Years[]

Jarra was born at a Military medical center in Kappa sector, immediately diagnosed with Immune Syndrome, and portalled to Earth as an emergency medical pre-empt. Hospital Earth soon claimed custody, as her parents did not meet the one week deadline to claim custody on Earth. For more information, see Jarra (Reeath) Tell Morrath/Family and Relatives.

Wards of Hospital Earth are raised without any information on their families or home planets. At age fourteen, Jarra had the option to request familial contact information, but she chose not to, feeling too resentful of the unknown family that abandoned her at birth. However, fourteen year old wards of Hospital Earth are also given the option to make one attempt at portalling off-world, which she did take up. The attempt sent her into immediate anaphylactic shock and resulted in a weeklong hospital stay.

Jarra became involved with her school's History club at age 11 and went on multiple Fringe dig site trips per year with them. By age 15, she was the club's team 1 tag leader.

For more information, see Jarra (Reeath) Tell Morrath/Early Years.

Personality and Characteristics[]

“Keon seemed to genuinely mean what he was saying. He didn’t care about his birth family. I didn’t understand how he managed that when everything I was, all my pride and anger, came from my unknown parents rejecting me.”

–Jarra, [4]

Jarra grows up feeling resentful towards her family for abandoned her and angry with all off-worlders for the way they stigmatize and stereotype those with Immune Syndrome. This anger informs many aspects of her personality– she is passionate, impulsive, and was prone to outbursts as a child. Moreover, being raised as a ward of Hospital Earth, without any caregivers who weren't employed to take care of her, impacted many of her characteristics as well. She simultaneously deeply wants a family and relationships while also having difficulty getting close to anybody and expecting new relationships to fail. Jarra also struggles to have emotional conversations, having spent her entire childhood bottling up her feelings.

Jarra has a passion for history and intends to become a research archaeologist. Issette, her best friend, often scolds Jarra for giving too many impromptu history lectures. She hates science and refuses to make any attempt to learn it because of a schoolteacher who bullied her when she performed poorly in science class. More trivially, Jarra is a fan of the vid series Defenders, which stars her favorite actor, Arrack San Domex. Her favorite color is blue.[5]

In addition to having a passion for history, Jarra loves flying, and acquires her pilot's license at age 17. For more information, see Jarra (Reeath) Tell Morrath/Prequels.



Jarra started working toward a career in Archaeology with University Earth since she was 11 years old and went on her first dig.

She had only completed her Foundation courses when a degree as a xenoarchaeologists was offered and she switched to work on Fortuna and the alien ruins.


When the Alien probe appears above Earth and the Alien Contact Program is activated, Jarra and Fian are drafted into the Military. At that time they were both designated Captains on the History team and were there just to test to see if there were any prejudices against them among the Military officers. Colonel Torrek felt that if anyone reacted very badly toward Jarra being in the military since she was Handicapped and had a norm boyfriend, that those military officers would probably react badly toward an alien.

But then the real history team, made up of top specialist from all planets, kept causing Colonel Torrek problems so he made Jarra a Major and put her in charge of them, with Fian as her deputy.

Even though they weren't expecting Jarra to really contribute anything to the Alien Contact program other then be bait, she had a profound impact on it. During her initial briefing she brought up the information about Ark, Earth Australia as a suitable place for the handicap to go to be safe from any alien attacks. No one on the history team had thought to mention Ark and no one in the military knew about it. The military took that suggestion and ran with it.

It was while they were in Arj that Jarra realized just what happened to bring the probe to Earth right then and why it was there. She presented her theory to Colonel Torrek and Commander Leveque and they thought that there was a high possibility that she was correct and if not, then it would serve as a delaying tactic that they needed right then.

Colonel Torrek appointed Jarra as field commander. After she and Fian successfully found and activated the alien artifact buried in Earth Africa she was promoted to Commander.


When it was discovered that the alien planet, Fortuna was a vast ruined world with no life signs, the military decided to recruit civilian archaeologists to assist in uncovering their world. The Universities also decided to offer a degree in xenoarchaeology. Since no Earth archaeologists could work on Fortuna except Jarra, Asgard agreed that the team that Jarra is on would be called Earth Prime.

Military Honors[]

Year Medal Reason
2789 The Earth Star Working on the Solar 5 Rescue rescue.
2789 The Artemis Being injured while working on the Solar 5 Rescue rescue.
2789 Fortuna medal Finding and uncovering the alien artifact.
2789 The Pallas Athena Finding and uncovering the alien artifact, activating it and finding their home world.


Fan's Contribution


  • Jarra loves Cheese Fluffle, as she said she would eat it everyday, morning, noon and night.
  • Jarra's little finger was cut off when she was 15, during a dig site accident and because she had on a ring that was not approved to wear under an impact suit, it was regrown.

See also[]



  1. Edwards, Janet. Earth Prime (The Earth Girl Aftermath Stories Book 1) (p. 403). Wallam-Crane Press. Kindle Edition.
  2. Excerpt From: Janet Edwards. “Earth Girl.” Apple Books.
  3. Excerpt From: Janet Edwards. “Earth Flight.” Apple Books.
  4. Excerpt From: Janet Edwards. “Earth and Fire: An Earth Girl Novella.” Apple Books.
  5. Janet Edwards. “Earth Flight.” Apple Books.


  • https://janetedwards.com
  • Earth 2788: The Earth Girl Short Stories (2015)
  • Earth and Fire: An Earth Girl Novella (EGN Book 1) (2015)
  • Earth and Air: An Earth Girl Novella (EGN Book 2) (2018)
  • Earth Girl (Earth Girl series Book 1) (2015)
  • Earth Star (Earth Girl series Book 2) (2014)
  • Earth Flight (Earth Girl) (2015)
  • Earth Prime (The Earth Girl Aftermath Stories Book 1) (2020)